5 Foot 5 Inch Giant

On Saturday, May 4, 2024, at 10:30 a.m., many friends and family members will be gathering at Acts II Ministries, in Thompson CT, to celebrate the life of a giant.  Rev. Terry L. Hardt was likely 5’5” when he passed away on April 23, 2024, but he was a giant to those who knew him. Dictionary.com describes a giant like this: “a person or […]

Speak Truth

There is an adage that says, “Speak truth to power.” That is easier said than done. By nature, speaking to someone of power or influence is intimidating. To be safe, many of us probably find ourselves taking a pass when given a chance to talk to people of influence. When I was in eighth grade, my mother showed me how to push past fears […]

Easter Is a Big Deal

As our world wobbles and our nation wanders from its founding principles, someone might wonder, “Is Easter even a relevant holiday anymore?” One might answer, “It can be relevant, and if you make it relevant it could literally change your life.”  Easter is a big deal. The resurrection of Jesus not only happened but Jesus, himself, predicted that it would happen. No other religious […]

Sheepish Joy

It is late April, and three sheep are sitting comfortably in the cool shade of a live oak on a massive ranch in Texas. As they lazily chew their cud, a conversation ensues.  Gabby: “I can hear our shepherd’s four-wheeler. I wonder where we’re headed next?” Grateful: “I heard we are going to a pasture where the grass is neck high, the water is […]

Thankful for Mentors

I was just a kid really. At thirteen years of age, I was not wise or experienced. I had not been formally trained. Like all teenagers, I had my struggles. I was not a likely candidate, but I was willing, and I did care about people. So, my pastor arranged for me to begin assisting in the Sunday School class primary children.  For the […]

The Greatest Gift

It was the most memorable and expensive gift I have ever received in my life. The only gift that could possibly top it would be God’s gift of eternal life. Ironically it was also one of the few gifts I have ever requested. It was such a big ask that it took months for me to work up the nerve to ask. Although my […]

No Time to Cry

The air was crisp with the promise of snow in the sleek open-air stadium. Eighty thousand fans had journeyed from all over the world, paying healthy sums to get the real-time experience of a Super Bowl. Team jerseys, number one foam hands, loaded chili dogs and cotton candy stirred nostalgia and jump-started the adrenalin in these devoted football lovers. The much-anticipated kick-off put the […]

Opportunities Hidden In Difficulties

I can’t count the number of times I stood in the rubble of my half-finished renovation, discouraged at what my latest gut-job was revealing. It had always been a dream of mine to remodel an old house. Now I had that opportunity. I was remodeling a house built around 1790; it was a project that would last eight years.  In one of the early […]

The Blame Game

Politicians are universally despised; Especially those who cheat, break laws and then blame their opponents for all the problems they helped cause. It has become so prevalent that many are commenting that when a politician makes an accusation you can be sure they are doing the very thing they are accusing their opponent of doing. It’s the blame game, and it seems to work. […]


“What do you want to be when you grow up?” Julie asked her teenage friends.  The answers were immediate: “I want to be an actress… I want to be a millionaire…I want to be a pop artist…  I’m moving out of this little town to the city.” Each of them expressed their desire to finally live a life that was in some way more remarkable than […]

Be A Spring

A man from Thompson, CT walks into a bank – true story – as he steps up to the teller she says, “Every time you come into the bank, the room lights up.” It wasn’t a romantic gesture or flattery. She was sincerely complementing him on how his attitude changed the atmosphere of the business environment. The man had some goodness inside that he […]


I was proud of them as they led the meeting. They were twenty or thirty years my junior, but I felt like they were doing a great job. Fulfilling roles I had once filled, they were well-spoken, respectful and on point. God was using them to change lives. Although they had been raised in a more radical world than I, they were able to […]

The Believers’ Challenge

I was petrified. It was my first year in college. My palms were sweaty, my mouth was dry, and I was doing a lot of second guessing. I was 1,700 miles from home and about to do something I had never done before; I had the opportunity to give a speech before a real audience. Grant it, it was only a ten-minute speech. But […]

Honest to God

A sandy-haired, ten-year-old, who was lovingly referred to as “Do-little” by his friends, sat spell-bound on the cold cement bench in an award-winning “city jungle” – better known as the County Zoo. Oblivious to the constant flow of gawking, chattering patrons, he studied the magnificent beast that sat on the hill not more than 100 feet away. Giant man-made rocks and fifty-foot shade trees […]

Opportunities to Serve

My life has been blessed. At times as I have found myself leading conferences, overseeing projects, speaking to audiences, writing books, or making video projects like this one. I feel unworthy and surprised at my good fortune. Because my work has often been if front of others, people have often asked me how I got where I am. I often detect that some are […]

Heaven Whispers

They blended their hearts and voices together on a hot June day. Weary travelers near the end of a thousand-mile journey from the pyramids of Egypt, through the wilderness of Sin, into the promised land, and then in the steps that Jesus had walked over two thousand years before.  They had navigated at least four tense border crossings (including the Jordan River) so they could […]

Freely Give

I do not share this story to claim generosity, but to testify that God blesses generosity. Jesus put it simply like this: “You have been treated generously, so live generously.” (Matt 10:8 MSG) The idea is that if everyone were generous, the whole world would benefit. It has been the personal experience of millions that when they have given generously, they have seen God […]

Don’t Eat the Peanut Butter!

Two mice paused between floor joists beneath the cereal cabinet where they often met to snack on the crumbs that filtered down. One queried the other, “Have you seen Junior?” “No,” replied the second mouse, “last I saw him he was on his way to explore a hole in the floor that smelled like peanut butter.”  “You’re kidding!” gasped the first mouse. “If he […]

Building for Eternity

Although I was not the most skilled or the most experienced draftsman or builder, and although construction has never been my career, it has been my privilege to design, build or help with the construction of six church buildings and several houses. I had taken some high school drafting and construction classes, but I did not set out to be a builder. My college […]

Warm Inside

Sofie sits contentedly in her recliner, soaking in the warmth and ambiance of her gas fireplace. The thermometer on her porch reads four below zero, but a warm shower, a hot cup of coffee, and a warm fire make the world feel like a wonderful place. The eighteen inch snow storm that recently blanketed the acreage between her farmhouse and her neighbor’s has been […]

The Fungus of Life

It was probably built less than fifty years ago, but the roof was caved in and the walls threatened to collapse at any time. Vines choked the front porch and the once-white siding was dark green and fuzzy. The foundation was crumbling from a combination of rot, termites, and ants. It was beyond repair, and the original culprit was fungus. Miniscule fungi spores, left […]

Spite Makes Trite

Each day is new gift from God and an opportunity to make the world a better place. Unfortunately, it is easy for the best of us to get side-tracked. A difficult situation, an unkind word, or an unfair ruling can trigger a negative reaction. This can be aggravated by divisive news, caustic social media posts, and a combative culture. Before you know it, good […]

The Secret Back Door

Life for humankind can be brutal. At times life’s challenges seem impossible to survive –  let alone enjoy. There are few people who live their life without at least a patch or two where they are not sure if they will make it. But then there are those who seem to have discovered a secret to thriving in any situation. How do they do that? […]

No One Was Sorry When He Died

Most funerals are marked by at least a modicum of grief and sorrow. Most of us hope that when we pass someone will miss us. One misconception is that, if we can get rich and famous, we will certainly be missed, and others will grieve when we pass. It turns out that popularity and money have little to do with being loved or missed. […]

Free Stuff

It seemed like a great idea. Major retail giants were needing to do something with all the returned merchandise. Many of the products were in good shape, but not resalable. I was working for a non-profit that was trying to help needy families. Some innovative people had successfully formulated a plan to salvage the retail returns and distribute them – Free – to families […]

God Trust

I couldn’t tell you the make, model, or year, but I can tell you it had seen better days and it was about to make my day memorable.  I am guessing it was a Ford pickup built in the 1950s. I think it had once been a beautiful green color, but it was now primarily the color of rust. I know it was a standard […]

For Our Benefit

It was a tragedy, and probably completely avoidable. On Friday afternoon, August 26, 2020, a man hiking in Grand Canyon National Park fell approximately 200 feet to his death. As people heard this news release from the National Park Service, I am sure their hearts went out to the man’s family and friends. He was only 44 years old. Immediately, the question arises: “What could have been […]

His Unstoppable Plot

The past few years have been educational for us all. While navigating the pandemic, social unrest, and financial troubles, we have learned about ourselves, about social dynamics, about trust in God, and about the necessity of a genuine relationship with God – rather than just with doctrine or the church. As the entire world was shaken, the faith of good-hearted people matured, even as […]

Fences and Sentries

We were just trying to help. Everyone had their best interest at heart – but they thought otherwise. Part of the problem was that some of us were city-slickers, and we underestimated our spooking power. Here’s what I remember: It was branding day near Pompey’s Pillar, MT. My siblings, friends and shirt-tail relatives had been invited to my uncles’ farm to give them a […]

They Taught Me How to Live

Cheri collapsed on the park bench near the monkey bars as her two vibrant children darted toward the playground. After retrieving a power bar and juice from her backpack, she sat back to enjoy a few treasured moments with her novel, while keeping one eye on the playground. Moments later, she was jarred out of the make-believe world in her novel by what smelled […]

Standing Out From the Crowd

He wasn’t trying to be better than everyone else. It wasn’t an ego trip or a “privilege thing.” He simply recognized that his mother was right when she said, “you don’t jump off a bridge just because everybody is doing it.” So, he didn’t drink and drive or experiment with the drugs. He didn’t jump on every bandwagon or chase every new band or […]

Much Needed Help

Jerry slumped over his desk in the corner of the small office, just a few feet from the coffee counter where he spent most of his time making customers happy. The numbers didn’t add up. He wasn’t turning enough of a profit to keep his coffee shop a viable business. His product was good, his location was ideal, but he just wasn’t pulling in […]

God Weeps

She tiptoed down the hallway of her beloved home, honing in on the quiet sobs that had awakened her. She wasn’t sure how long it had been since her mother had tucked her into bed, but tomorrow would be her first day of third grade, and she was sleeping even lighter than usual. Her little hands felt for the familiar chair rail and doorways, […]

Inner Strength

Darin was mesmerized as his father slowly navigated their all-wheel-drive SUV along the freshly-plowed road that wound through the wilderness area in the Rockies. His nose was pressed up against the frosty window as he marveled at what looked like the surreal paintings he had seen in his second grade geography book. Gusts of wind blew the lightly falling snow across the gorgeous landscape. […]

Everybody Gets The Same Offer

“That’s not fair!” whined the four-year-old dusty-headed boy who was defiantly challenging his patient, daycare teacher, as he stared longingly out the window. “Alora and Ivy got to go outside and play, and you’re making me and Sage stay inside. How come the girls get to go outside and the boys don’t?” “Asher,” the teacher answered gently as she touched his arm, “please calm […]


Historically, God has consistently given His people encouraging messages of hope.  For example, He spoke this hope that Israel would be restored, through the Prophet Isaiah: Even the wilderness and desert will be glad in those days. The wasteland will rejoice and blossom with spring crocuses. Yes, there will be an abundance of flowers and singing and joy! The deserts will become as green as […]

All We Need To Do Is Trust

There is a video on my hard drive that documents four and a half minutes of my life. I was flying, like a bird. Well, more like a bird in a hurricane. It was my long-awaited attempt at indoor skydiving. The advertisements were so appealing, and it looked like a lot of fun – and not all that hard. Having arrived a few minutes […]


Angie opened her eyes slowly, adjusting to the bright light that flooded through her window. She felt like she had been run over by a Mac truck. As she took in her surroundings, she saw monitor wires taped to her chest, IV lines that that had been inserted into her veins, and a catheter that was working to keep her digestive system working. She […]

A Problem God Can’t Solve

It is often said that the two most difficult things to do in life are to climb a fence that is leaning toward you or kiss a woman who is leaning away from you. A third difficulty that ranks up at the top would be: to help someone who does not want help. As a minister, I routinely offer information or advice that is […]

Gas Your Plants

Puzzled at the repugnant odor polluting the early morning air, Jerome slows from a jog to a shuffle, then to a complete stop in front of his neighbor’s picket fence. Spotting Jim with a watering can, he breaks the silence. “He neighbor, beautiful morning, isn’t it?” “Wonderful!” replies Jim. “Say,” continues Jerome, “do you smell that? It smells like gasoline.” “Yeah,” Jim replies, smiling […]

Undeserved Gifts

They found her curled up in a hall closet, hidden behind a pile of dirty clothes. When the policeman opened the door, she winced and buried her head between her knees, shivering.  “You are safe now,” he cooed. “We are the police. No one is going to hurt you anymore.”  But, instead of relaxing, her six-year-old, emaciated frame shook even more noticeably. Every officer […]

A Bowl of Rocks

George plopped down in his usual place at the kitchen table. His wife watched in horror as he quietly opened a bag of aquarium rocks, poured them in a bowl, smothered them with honey and milk and began shoveling them into his mouth. “What on earth are you doing, George?” she exclaimed, lunging for the bowl before he could get another spoonful. “I’m eating […]

Revealing Snapshots

There were two prevailing opinions in the town hall meeting the night they voted to establish their historic museum. The idea was to house local artifacts and historical tidbits from the former frontier town, in the oldest structure in the rural town. Everyone agreed that the Elger homestead was the first in the area and that Roger Elger became one of the wealthiest men […]

Prove It

In the eighteenth century, a German Physicist did something world-changing. He invented a scale of measuring temperature based on the freezing and boiling points of water. After some old-fashioned scientific testing, Daniel Fahrenheit settled on a scale that set 32 degrees as the freezing point of water and 212 degrees as its boiling point. He did not start with his preferences or opinions. He […]

Free to Live

She paces in her cage, tripping over her two newborn cubs that she recently birthed as a result of artificial insemination. Each day thousands of people file by the beautiful, three-hundred-fifty-pound, Siberian Tiger. A piece of raw meat lays, untouched, near the small iron grate through which her keepers had recently thrust it. Elaborate scenery, including “play-things,” decorated the quarter-acre enclosure. Everything was state […]


My expectations were high. I had been hunting before, but hunting elk was a whole lot more challenging than hunting deer. Neither were my other hunting trips as high in the mountains, where it was bitterly cold and two feet of snow. This adventure was just outside the mile-high community of Philipsburg, Montana. A Montana tourism site describes the small town like this:  Philipsburg […]

Big Mistake

As a teen, I made a few forays into the culinary arts. Because of my appetite for them, I became rather good at making chocolate chip cookies. However, during one of my early attempts, I made a big mistake. It was a simple and small mistake when compared to important matters, but it was big mistake in making cookies from scratch. I simply misread […]

The Reason is Simple

Building or bridge collapse.  Why? The answer is simple. Someone cheated. Someone came up with their own reality and many people suffered. They pretended they were being honest with codes and laws of nature.  Because we don’t want incidents like the one described above, societies have discovered and agreed upon values. It doesn’t matter what trade school, they all teach the same principles and use […]

New Territory

“I can just see them: spellbound, wide-eyed, mouths gaping and minds whirring.  People of varying occupations, ages, races and socioeconomic backgrounds who had one thing in common – they had never heard anything like they were hearing from the unkempt, long-haired mountain man who was leaning back in his chair, gazing into space, describing a remote mountain scene he claimed to have seen with his […]

Christmas is Loving Back

Because Christmas is such a powerful love story, it has captured the attention of the whole world. Although many have twisted the story to be about getting, it is all about giving. A few have truly understood the full import of the story; they recognize it as the unique event in which the Creator became the Savior. On occasion the world will see evidence […]

Never Again

“Missy, please open the door so we can talk,” pleaded her mother. “No. I don’t want to talk to anyone ever again,” came the emotionally charged response, accompanied by a shoe thudding against the door, muffled sobs and occasional outburst like: “I hate boys, I’m through with dating, and I am never coming out of my room.”  A couple pints of ice cream and […]


His blood pressure was spiking, and his mind was racing, as the doctor approached his hospital bed. Eager to face the music, he bypassed the obligatory greetings and blurted out, “It’s bad, isn’t it? I know I’m dying. How long do I have?” To his surprise the doctor answered calmly, almost cheerfully, “You did have a heart attack and we have determined that several […]

Give Faith an Equal Chance

I don’t know about you, but I am a little weary of one-sided and short-sighted comments like, “How could there be a good God when so many bad things happen?” None of us are that simplistic in our philosophy when it comes to everyday logic. We don’t say, “How could there be any good parents with all the teen opioid addiction in the world?” […]

I Believe

Nine-year-old Shienna sat up a little straighter and vocalized her dissent: “That’s not true, three times nine is twenty-six. I memorized it, so I should know.” “Well, you might be right about that,” countered Kelli, “but you were wrong about gravity.  There is no gravity in Arizona – I saw it on TV.” “I know,” Shienna said agreeably, “I once threw a rock in the […]


It was a quiet spring morning in New England. Suddenly the music of the songbirds was shattered by a ruckus high in the trees. A red-tailed hawk, not far from his own nest was squealing and ducking as a half dozen Blue Jays took turns screaming and dive-bombing the larger, more powerful bird.  Mobbing, is a behavior in which a gang of smaller birds […]

Living Free

Living Free At first, he was disappointed, then angry. His trainer told him he would lose ten pounds and feel better in days. The gym had parted him from his hard-earned cash with the promise that their exercise/diet program, if properly followed, would set him free from sluggishness and obesity. He was now enduring his third day of health-food and exercise. So far he […]

Fatherhood; Often Underappreciated

Who originally penned the words is not clear, but this oft-quoted truth is clear and thought-provoking: “Dads are like a steady but less sentimentalized institution — the sun in our familial sky that warms and gives life but isn’t much thought about unless he goes missing.” As a son, a father, and a long-time pastor, that statement resonates with me. Fatherhood is often unappreciated.  […]

Believe it or Not

Time-traveler from the 15th century: “That is crazy! If you believe that, I have a bridge I want to sell you” Twenty-first century guide: “No, I’m dead serious. There are thousands of words and pictures traveling through the atmosphere, all around us. All you need is a device that can detect and decode them.” Time Traveler: “I don’t see or hear anything, and I’ve never […]

God Hates It!

It is an abomination to God; wicked, vile, exceptionally loathsome, hateful, and sinful. Satan used it to inspire the first sin. It was a motivator in the first recorded murder. It has been the reason for, and the theme in, most wars since the beginning of mankind. It has been used by tyrants to justify the murder of millions, by educators to impose godless […]

An Adventure in Loving

Motherhood is an adventure in loving. There are no guarantees and no guidebooks that can adequately prepare mothers for their incredibly important task. Only massive doses of love can insure the job is done properly, because there is no tougher job than tending a garden of souls. Stories like this one remind me of how unpredictable and interesting a mother’s job can be: My […]

The Serenity Prayer

It is one of the most well-known prayers of our day. It was written by Reinhold Niebuhr, who was an American theologian and commentator. He was one of the leading intellectuals in the United States during the 20th Century, who received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1964. He wrote this prayer for a sermon that he preached at Heath Evangelical Union Church, in Massachusetts. […]

If It Please the Court

Many wise lawyers have begun addresses to a presiding judge using this familiar phrase: “If it please the court”.  In a few words, they are recognizing the authority of the judge and the entity that has given the judge their authority. The lawyers are making a respectful argument by emphasizing their humble role in the system. They are appealing to a higher power. It seems […]

A Glimpse Into The Future

In 2020 COVID has demonstrated just how tentative and fragile life can be. We have all witnessed how quickly governments can take liberties, and how quickly people give them up when their health and safety are at stake. The social unrest in our nation has also demonstrated how volatile our society can become and how much hurt lies beneath the surface. The uncertainty can […]

Try Prayer

It happened at the Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Expeditionary Forces in Versailles, France on December 15, 1944. Gen. Omar Bradley who commanded U.S. land forces in the West was desperate for replacements. The U.S. army had crossed the German border and was making its way through Hürtgen Forest. They were dealing with an average of 2,000 casualties a day and there were more than […]

I Saw Heaven

I saw the Garden of Gethsemane over 25 years ago. Just not in person. My father-in-law, who was also my pastor, was able to take the trip he had long dreamed of to see The Holy Land. Since the church he led funded his trip, we arranged for him to call us during a Sunday Service. We heard him describe the place he was […]

Wanted: Intercessors

In his biography entitled Rees Howells Intercessor, Norman Grubb describes a prayer campaign that impacted the world. Mr. Howells was a Welch minister who founded a Bible school where the students lived by faith and focused on intercessory prayer (prayer on behalf of others). They went to bat for their nation and the world. Several years before the outbreak of World War II Howells said, […]

Surprised When God Answered

Throughout the centuries after the life of Jesus, the progress of the church has ebbed and flowed. Sometimes God’s people have done well, and at other times they have strayed far from God and His truths. Whenever He could find them, God used people to restore the church to the right paths. The church, at large, began straying away from a Biblical view of […]

It’s a Big Deal

The casual tourist can take a forty-minute cab ride from Framingham, MA, through the heart of Boston to the airport. In the process they will travel through what used to be neighborhoods and business districts, and they will drive under buildings, subway lines, and the Boston harbor. To them it may not seem like it, but the highway they will travel is a big […]

Living Strong

Jerome was a good guy just trying to make life work. With a two-year-old marriage and a one-year-old son, his limits were being tested. He was now responsible for a family, money was tight, his job was challenging, and politics were driving him crazy.  Then came the weekend he had been eagerly anticipating, because he was spending it with a group of guys who […]

Lord Bend Us

He was a twenty-six-year-old Welsh coal miner when God called him to do something very similar to what Daniel did centuries before. I should mention that many other believers had been praying similar prayers for years. But he was the vessel God chose to use in 1904.   His name was Evan Roberts. He was raised in a Calvinistic Methodist home. He worked in the […]

My Unassuming Father

I don’t ever remember him flexing his biceps, reminding his wife that he was the head of the home, or bragging about his exploits. He served in the Korean war as a paratrooper and saw things in combat that later cause disturbing dreams, but he never told the gruesome stories, or claimed to be a hero. As a college student I had a chance […]

Prayers For Righteous Causes

Throughout history God has used key people to champion causes and do things on behalf of righteousness and justice. It seems that William Wilberforce was one of those people. He was born to a wealthy English merchant in 1759. He was sickly as a child and had poor eyesight. As a twelve-year-old, he was exposed to evangelical Christianity while on a visit to the […]

Effective Prayers

Certainly, all who believe in God and pray would like his or her prayers to effective. But sometimes it is hard to know what to pray. James, the brother of Jesus wrote: “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” (James 1:5 NLT) If we apply that to prayer, one would be wise […]

Mothers Who Preserve

Thompson is buzzing with the news. For the first time in decades one of its most prominent homes is swarming with life. The William Mason house, located at 20 Chase Rd. in Thompson, CT, is being restored! This house is a classic example of a Gothic Revival house that was built circa 1845. Mason was a mill owner and lived on Thompson Hill where […]

Then Came Easter

He sat quietly thinking… disconcerted. Being a man of action, he was comfortable with bold emotions like anger or heroic action, but today he was non-plussed, thinking:  “Maybe there was too much water under the bridge and my life is over.” “Maybe I put all my eggs in the wrong basket.” “Maybe the pundits, academics and politicians had been right, even though they had […]

A Lesson of Faith in an Uncertain Time

On April 8,1630, four ships left the English Isle of Wight. On the ship named Arbella was a puritan lawyer by the name of John Winthrop, his two sons, and many other future colonial leaders. Their ships joined seven more ships in a convoy to the New World. He was leading a group of 700 migrants to the Massachusetts bay colony where he would […]

Is It Worth It?

You can get a taste of it in Santa Monica for about 75 bucks, but if you want to buy a pound of the “beans” from which it is brewed you will pay around $3,000. It is called Kopi Luwak and is one of the most expensive coffees in the world. But, is it worth it?  Many customers might be appalled if they knew […]

A Mighty Fortress

Few people have impacted the religious world as much as the fourteenth century German professor of theology, Martin Luther. He is often referred to as the father of The Protestant Reformation. He wrote eight books and many articles and pamphlets. He translated the Bible into German and composed thirty-six hymns. But his impact came with a high price tag that caused him to run […]

Prayer for a King

Throughout history there have been certain people who seemed to really know God in ways that allowed Him to use them in significant ways. One such man was William Tyndale. We know he was sincere because he would eventually give up his life because of His commitment to God’s Word. Tyndale was a prominent figure in the Protestant reformation. He was an English scholar […]

An Irresponsible God

I was too young to understand all the dynamics, but, within minutes of meeting him I immediately understood something was very wrong with the little boy who showed up in my class. I was seven or eight and he was probably a year or two younger than me. We were similar in size, but he was still in diapers. We could both talk but […]

The Prayers of Christopher Columbus

According to author Phyllis Schlafly, “Christopher Columbus had a mystic belief that God intended him to sail the Atlantic Ocean in order to spread Christianity. He said his prayers several times daily. Columbus wrote what he called a Book of Prophecies, which is a compilation of passages Columbus selected from the Bible which he believed were pertinent to his mission of discovery. … Columbus’s […]

It Changed Everything

You can have it if you can afford it: A beautiful five-bedroom, stone home that is advertised to “easily accommodate fourteen family members.” Located in Danbury CT, this 4,000 square foot home with oversized windows and a floor-to-ceiling stone fireplace is definitely appealing. But, even with all that, you may wonder why it is on the market for $2.7 million. The answer: it is […]

Uncommon Unity

An alarm pierces the night. Men scramble out of bunks, yank on their clothes and try not to trip over one another as they scurry to battle stations. Officer Mack makes his way toward the control room, adrenaline pumping through his veins.  Every soul on the submarine is now in his hands. They have trained for hours just so the next few minutes can go […]

Peace on Earth

It was a spectacular, one of a kind, display in the heavens. Extra-terrestrial beings appeared in the night sky and declared “peace on earth good will toward men.” ( Luke 2:14) It rattled the cosmos and highlighted an event that would change human history. Their words are still echoing throughout the world today! Although the message was first delivered to men who were poor […]

What To Do?

Suppose a contingent of professionals from the World Health Organization were flown into a remote area of a country to help a people group that was dying off. When they arrive, they immediately find conditions to be much worse than expected. Although the people are intelligent and productive, having ample food, adequate housing and a reasonable climate, disease is rampant, children are emaciated, and […]

Independent Voters

During every major, political, campaign season of my adult life I have heard people declare: “It is the independent voters who will determine the outcome of this election.” The 2018 mid-term elections were no exception. With 40-50% of voters not willing to declare their party, it seemed to make polling even more challenging.  It left party leaders in government very unsure about their future. But […]

Satan Got Played

We watched as our pet cat carefully crept out onto the branch. She was careful and patient as she inched further out from the main trunk onto the limb where an unsuspecting bird was happily perched. You could almost feel the confidence our little feline possessed. No doubt, in her mind, the bird was already supper. She had successfully stalked and captured many birds […]

Don’t Run Away

A gaggle of reporters milled near the wrought iron gate of the famous Revere estate, wishing they had a way past the armed men who stood outside the guard shack. They could see down the long, tree-lined drive to the forty-room, limestone mansion, flanked by horse stables and a beautiful, red barn. The world was eager to learn more about the state dinner that […]

The Governor Becomes A Believer

The scene was unsettling. The well dressed and usually dignified Elymas groped frantically at the air, screaming, “Somebody, give me your hand; I can’t see!” He was undoubtedly shocked at his sudden calamity. How could this be happening? He was used to commanding a great deal of respect. After all, he was an advisor to Sergius PaulusSergius, who was proconsul of Cyprus (the highest […]

Unique and Intriguing

Tucked away on the world-famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus in Boston is a potentially shocking scene to the unsuspecting tourist. It is intriguing to some and disturbing to others. A former university president called it a disaster, but many would call the creation of award-winning architect, Frank Gehry, a delight. The 720,000 square foot Ray and Maria Stata center is located at 32 […]

Turning the World Upside Down

Establishing Christianity was undoubtedly the handiwork of Almighty God. It doesn’t make sense that a poor rabbi from an insignificant town and his motley crew of blue-collar followers would change the world by evangelizing the far-reaching, powerful, immoral and corrupt Roman Empire, by traveling from town to town (on foot, often sleeping under the stars) and challenging people to pick up their cross and follow […]

The Angels are Watching

Sammy and his dad were having the time of their lives at the zoo. There was so much to see and so many places to buy snacks.  His five-year-old mind couldn’t imagine anything more fun. Having just spotted the elephant rides, they now waited in line, to mount the wild beast for their own adventure. His father was leaning against the railing watching the passing […]

My Father’s Words

It was just my father and I, alone in the car. I was probably ten or twelve and we were on our way to the airport. He loved airplanes. He had been a paratrooper in the Korean War and later obtained his pilot’s license. On rare occasions he would have the money to take me up in a borrowed two-place, high-winged, single-engine plane, but […]

God is an Optimist

God is an optimist. I know this because He believes in me and He gives me opportunities that I know I can’t handle on my own.  I know this because He gives me hopes and dreams that I know I don’t deserve and that I cannot fulfill.  I know He is an optimist because His Word declares a world-wide awakening before He returns, and He describes […]

Dignity and Decency

Freddie had frosting in his hair, cake in his nose and, milk running down his chin and neck onto his new pants. With a grin on his face he lifted a glass to his mouth and drank noisily, then giggled and gargled, spewing more milk across the room onto his friends. It was his birthday party and he was having a blast. The problem […]

No Longer Hard to Believe

For most of mankind’s history, people had to be within earshot in order to talk with others. So, it was hard to believe inventors of the industrial age who began postulating that someone could talk in one place and have their voice heard in another place, all with the use of electricity and wires. But, as a result of many believers pursuing this dream, […]

Embrace the Process

He was a grown man squirming in his pew. What would people think? At first he was a little miffed at the preacher for having the gall to be so straight-forward. Then he felt a bit angry with God for allowing things to unfold in his life as they had. Finally he began to feel the guilt and regret (that he was all too […]

Pretending is Short-lived

Emile Ratelband recently caused quite a stir with his unusual lawsuit. Fox News reporter Lucia l. Surarez Sang posted this take on his story on November 8, 2018:   “A Dutch businessman is making waves after he launched a legal battle to officially roll back his age 20 years – claiming he is a “young god” and dating apps discriminate against him due to his […]

Wilderness Experiences

In the bowels of a dark, damp, musty hideout, a powerfully built soldier suddenly wakes out of a deep sleep and jolts upright. Something is not right.  The glowing embers and a few rays of moonlight reveal rugged rock walls and a dirt floor that make up his lodgings. The animal skins next to him are empty, making his heart rate quicken. His captain is missing.  […]

The Start Stops Most Sharia leaned back in her chair, trembling. She wasn’t sure if she should laugh or cry and didn’t really understand the torrent of emotions that were flooding through her heart as she read the letter for the fourth time. The opportunity was incredible–literally unbelievable. Her application had been approved. A fortune 500 company was willing to give her the job […]

Truth Makes Free

Suppose a private shuttle pilot was flying a single engine plane over the ocean and was struck by an unidentified object. While attempting to radio for help he realizes that his radio has been damaged. Soon, he notices a small stream of gas spraying out the side of the engine housing. Being far from the mainland he frantically redirects his small craft toward the […]

Seek Him

Franklin and Nelson sat at their table at Griswold Inn in Essex, CT, like they had every morning sinceJune of 1800. Their lives were routine and their conversations were usuallybland. This morning they gratefully welcomed the interruption of an animatedconversation at the next table. A bearded man dressed in leathers and smellingrather ripe was chattering excitedly to a couple of businessmen. Nelson,usually the more [...]

Christmas Take-aways

The true Christmas transformed the world. Whether someone believes what the Bibleteaches about Christmas or not, it must be acknowledged that the birth of JesusChrist impacted the world more than the birth of any other human being inhistory. But it is even bigger than history. God coming to earth as a man (theincarnation) may not have been the most significant thing God will ever [...]

For Love

Lorenzo couldn’t believe his eyes or his luck. He was vaguely aware of his uncle’s chatter and of his friends who were busy capturing photos for their social media posts. But his attention was focused on the beauty that sat before him. His heart raced as he surveyed the 129-hp, 200-cu in straight-six engine, the leather seats and the classic curves of the Caspian [...]

Gentle Power

But Lester’s most distinguishing feature was best illustrated by the picture that graced their living room wall, in which he was holding his 7 pound, 6 ounce, newborn daughter. She was sleeping contentedly on his massive outstretched hand and forearm. Her little head lay in the palm of his hand and her feet barely reached the crook of his elbow. For the first few [...]

Thanksgiving Together

Thanksgiving can be such a wonderful time of year in New England. Having just enjoyed a colorful fall and looking forward to a festive Christmas, Thanksgiving can still have the flavor or relaxing and spending time with family and friends. We just need to be intentional about preserving such a special time. Thankfully, retailers have not yet hijacked the holiday as thoroughly as other […]

Salvation is a “Get To” Thing

It was a Cinderella-type romance. The 19-year-old girl had come from a dysfunctional home where she was mistreated and unappreciated. Because of poverty and limited educational and work experience her hope of ever bettering her life was non-existent. Then “he” came along. He was polite, well-off, gainfully employed and very interested in the beautiful young lady who now sat opposite him at the candle-lit […]

A Fresh Start

For a second time that Saturday before Memorial Day emergency workers scrambled to save the life of D.B.  As they loaded him into their ambulance they could see where his face had been charred by the tailpipe of his 1969 Ford Galaxie 500. He had been pinned under the 2,000-pound car, after his wife accidentally ran over his chest as he lay drunk on […]

My Lucky Friend

He lived a Huck Finn existence, coming and going as he pleased. The rest of the kids in the neighborhood considered him lucky. His parents didn’t nag him or set boundaries. Every time our mothers called us in for church or dinner, we secretly wished we had his life. He was roaming the streets late at night, going home to eat whenever he felt […]


Forty-six eyes were glued to the presenter. Jaws dropped, and twenty-three first-graders leaned forward, not even aware of the oohs and ahs that escaped their lips. Their teacher breathed deeply, enjoying a rare moment of deep satisfaction. She had finally found something that captured the imagination of every student.  They were in a state of wonder, which would hopefully stir up enough curiosity to […]

Dancing With God

It was a life-saving dance of sorts that unfolded on July 13, 2018, as the pilot of a Chinook helicopter hovered dramatically near the slope of Oregon’s 11,240-foot Mount Hood. With incredible skill the pilot maneuvered the aircraft so that two wheels touched down on the side of the mountain so rescuers could drop a ramp and exit and enter the helicopter as they […]

What is Baptism in the Holy Spirit?

-By Susan Bousquet It’s hard to put into words all that happened when I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in 1976. “What is baptism in the Holy Spirit?” you ask. Well, I can tell you how it happened for me. As far back as I can remember I talked with God and knew He listened. I felt his presence in my life. […]

She Prayed

Five rambunctious children, a below average income, a husband who worked the swing shift, a small house, harsh winters and the wild decade of the 1960s did not deter her. She was determined to raise her kids up in the way they should go. She succeeded in helping them all survive their school years without the complications of drugs, alcohol or unwanted pregnancies. At […]

Warning: Toxic

The scene was surreal and what unfolded was unforgettable. A crowd had gathered at the edge of a steep cliff outside what appeared to be a natural cave. Over the entrance hung a brightly painted sign that read: “Come in for an amazing ride that will tantalize your senses and make your heart beat faster.” To the side was a smaller sign that read: […]

Authentic Christianity

Eight-year-old Tommy stared quizzically at the TV screen and wondered out loud, “Why is that gold medal Olympian biting his medal?” “Because,” explained his older, wiser sister, “money used to have real gold in it, so people would bite it to see if it was authentic.  If the coin was too hard they knew someone was giving them fake money. Those medals aren’t real […]

Starting Over

Her heart ached as she studied his wrinkled face, trying to etch it in her memory. He was one of the kindest men she had ever known and now he was making his last stand against the cancer that ravaged his body. They had just said a short prayer and a tear slipped from his eye as he gripped her hand firmly.  She glanced […]

World-changing Discovery

It was first proposed in the 3rd century BC by Aristarchus of Samos, but it took another 1,300 years for another astronomer, by the name of Nicolaus Copernicus, to make it popular.  Its scientific name is Heliocentrism, and it is the belief that the earth revolves around the sun. Until the 16th century most humans held to the geocentric model which taught that the […]

An Easy Fix

You may have heard about the absent-minded professor who left his ivory tower in the metropolis and set out to vacation in the middle of the country.  Having found the perfect oasis he enjoyed a few days of rest and then began contemplating his quality of life.  On a whim he decided he would tackle a long-term issue that was small, but increasingly bothersome, […]

Mona Lisa Defaced

Suppose tomorrow’s lead news story read as follows: “Pandemonium broke out yesterday afternoon at The Louvre in Paris, France, when a 33 year old aspiring artist disabled a security guard, shattered the 1.52 inch-thick protective glass, and immediately began painting a bigger smile on the face of the Mona Lisa! The culprit was apprehended and jailed, but not before doing incalculable damage. Experts are […]

The Little Guys

They are small and inconspicuous yet incredibly destructive.  Their strength lies in their large numbers, their unity, and the fact that they work behind the scenes and underground.  They topple buildings, destroy valuable artifacts and devastate properties owned by the rich and the poor alike.  They have colonies on almost every continent and seem willing to demolish property, irrespective of the owner’s race, creed […]

I’m Rich

“I’m rich!” shouted nine-year-old Jerry as he bounded into the house, letting the storm door slam behind him. “What do you mean?” queried his single-parent mother, who had just finished a ten hour shift and was keenly aware that she was in the below-average income bracket. As Jerry peeled off his gloves and began wrestling with the zipper on his down coat, he eagerly […]

Try Agian

My understanding is that he started a luncheon service with $1,500 from savings and $3,500 borrowed from friends.  Using converted taxi cabs for catering he set out to make a living. Soon he noticed that 40% of his revenues were coming from coffee and doughnut sales.  So, in 1948 he tried again and established a restaurant that sold doughnuts and coffee in Quincy, MA, […]

Do You See What I See?

“Do you see what I see?” is a line from the famous Christmas Song titled, Do you Hear What I Hear?  It was written in 1962 by Noel Regney and Gloria Baker as a plea for peace.  While world peace is still illusive, love, joy and peace for individuals are within everyone’s grasp.  The catch — it requires that they see the invisible. Seeing […]


He swabbed his red, moist cheeks with his shirt sleeve, trying to hide the tears and calm his young heart.  By now someone had likely discovered his absence and they would probably be scouring the neighborhood soon.  As he huddled in the shrubs near the corner grocery store, he replayed the traumatic events from which he was escaping. His ever-antagonizing older sister had once […]

Yes Sir, Please …Thank you.

It was a rare event, almost as if those watching had traveled several decades back in time. It was a quick and simple interaction that left the waiter pleasantly surprised and wishing more people were like the young man he had just served.  It happened in a small town restaurant. The young man who had just been seated was approached by the waiter who […]

Give or Lose

Two men sit in the local diner sipping coffee. “Happy” is going on and on about his architect son and his daughter who is a stay-at-home mom.  He is reminiscing about how he worked so hard to put his son through college and about how he just fixed his daughter’s garage door opener.  His life seems so full and meaningful.   He talks about how […]

Why you believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

You were raised on the coast. You know commercial fishing. Your family and friends know commercial fishing. Some guy moves to town. He doesn’t fish. He builds. He teaches on Saturdays. You come in from a lousy night of fishing. He gets in your boat and teaches people lined along the shore. Then He tells you how to fish. You just cleaned your nets. […]

We Have an Anchor

Megatons of water aggressively assaulted the rugged coastline, ripping and tearing at the very fabric of the earth.  The angry sky thundered as did the colossal waves of the Atlantic, which had been stirred by the category five hurricane which now threatened millions of lives.  Plants and animals perished in the violent display of nature’s fury.  What a frightening enemy – the unmanageable sea. […]

We Know Better Than That

An exhausted young woman locks the office door and heads across the street to the parking lot  where her Honda Civic is parked.  The sun has already slipped over the horizon and the streets are relatively empty so she wastes no time.  As she pulls out onto the street she notices a dilapidated pick-up truck that had been sitting in the alleyway turn on […]

Why I Believe: Jesus Really Existed

Did Jesus exist? The Bible obviously claims He did, so the easiest way to prove it is by proving the believability of the Bible. However, let’s follow a “less trodden” logical path. Imagine that the Bible suddenly disappeared. Not a jot from Job or a tittle from Timothy remained. If the Biblical record were gone, would there still be enough evidence to prove Jesus […]

What’s a feller to do?  Sam had worked hard for 40 years at the same company.  Upon retirement, he sold his house for a healthy profit and moved to a small condo in Florida, with a deep satisfaction that his faithfulness and diligence had paid off.  No one in his family had ever been able to finish college and hold a job for any […]


Almost fifteen hundred years ago, Dionysius Exiguus began anchoring all of mankind’s history to a very important event – the birth of Christ.  The abbreviation, B.C., means before Christ, and A.D. is an abbreviation for anno Domini, a Latin term that means “in the year of our Lord.” This became the most widely accepted way to measure human history, illustrating that Jesus’ life and […]

I Guess You Had To Be There

“Eheh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heeah. Wheez.  Squeal.  Eeeeeyah, heh, heh, heh, heh.  Eeeeya, ha, ha, heh, heh, hee.  Aheeeeeeha, ha, gafaw, haw, haw. I am guessing that few readers found themselves chuckling as they read the above paragraph.  But this is a rough transcription of the first few minutes of a baby video that has gone viral.  Many folks must find it […]

Celebrate Spring with Orchestra Music

In New Engalnd, old man winter has decided to play trickery on us. The whole month of February into March has been up and down with cold weather and almost spring-like weather. Now, a blizzard! Seriously, it makes it difficult on the body, not to mention, our mood. But, we know it will soon pass and this hope keeps us sane as we continue [...]

The Definition of Divine Orchestration

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: Collosians 1:16 KJV Famous Symphony Composers Over the last several centuries, there have been many renowned individuals that have scored music for orchestral performance: Ludwig van [...]


Unexplainable I can just see them: spellbound, wide-eyed, mouths gaping and minds whirring.  People of varying occupations, ages, races and socioeconomic backgrounds who had one thing in common – they had never heard anything like they were hearing from the unkempt, long-haired mountain man who was leaning back in his chair, gazing into space, describing a remote mountain scene he claimed to have seen […]

Biblical Salvation from the Book of Acts

The quest for God is as old as time itself. And, there should be a search for God; after all, we were created by him and for him. But, the fact that you are thinking about how to find God reveals that something has happened that caused a separation. Thus, the need for a journey. Why quest for something you possess? But, you are [...]

The Hidden Gift: Birth of Jesus Christ

Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. - Matthew 1:18   It was the greatest gift ever given!  It was the most valuable and rare gift known to man.  It sparked gift-giving for millenniums to come. But it was hidden so [...]

Hear, O Israel, the Lord is One!

The human brain has difficulty comprehending the nature of the Almighty God. After all, the scripture does declare that he is invisible (yet, is seen through things he has made), immortal (yet, came among us in the form of a mortal man) and eternal (yet, he occupies time). One thing that is good for us is that God understands himself and is able to [...]