Speak Truth

There is an adage that says, “Speak truth to power.” That is easier said than done. By nature, speaking to someone of power or influence is intimidating. To be safe, many of us probably find ourselves taking a pass when given a chance to talk to people of influence. When I was in eighth grade, my mother showed me how to push past fears

Easter Is a Big Deal

As our world wobbles and our nation wanders from its founding principles, someone might wonder, “Is Easter even a relevant holiday anymore?” One might answer, “It can be relevant, and if you make it relevant it could literally change your life.”  Easter is a big deal. The resurrection of Jesus not only happened but Jesus, himself, predicted that it would happen. No other religious

Sheepish Joy

It is late April, and three sheep are sitting comfortably in the cool shade of a live oak on a massive ranch in Texas. As they lazily chew their cud, a conversation ensues.  Gabby: “I can hear our shepherd’s four-wheeler. I wonder where we’re headed next?” Grateful: “I heard we are going to a pasture where the grass is neck high, the water is

Thankful for Mentors

I was just a kid really. At thirteen years of age, I was not wise or experienced. I had not been formally trained. Like all teenagers, I had my struggles. I was not a likely candidate, but I was willing, and I did care about people. So, my pastor arranged for me to begin assisting in the Sunday School class primary children.  For the