51eNOk1A4aL._SX306_BO1,204,203,200_Kingdom Prayers from Healed Hearts

This volume focuses on how to pray from the heart. During these sessions prayer warriors will encouraged to let God heal their hearts so they can pray more effectively; they will be encouraged to let God give them a "new self esteem" based on His grace and truth.

It is only after developing a relationship with God and gaining a healthy self-image that one can pray kingdom-minded prayers. These are prayers that release the will of God on earth. This kind of praying requires a pure heart, selfless motives, and a great deal of commitment and hard work. God is the inspiration behind such prayers but the prayer warrior must choose to agree with God to the extent that they will spend themselves in order to gain the kingdom. This volume of prayer clinics will teach the prayer warrior to find out what God wants and then to pray His will. May His will be done on earth!

Written by John Walter Hanson.

Available here as a Kindle version at Amazon.com. 

Hard copies available at posted rate while supplies last.


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